Friday, May 21, 2010

Purses that shine

I love the purses that I'm in love with. Tell me what you think about them later.
They are 'hot' purses. That's what I typed in to look them  up on Google.

I love them! I specially love the peace one. It looks so nice.
Purses are a girl's best accesory (I think I forgot how to spell it)
Purses go good with anything, but they have to match the items that you're wearing. That would make more sense. So, hope you liked the purses I picked out. It was hard to find hot ones.
Remember: Make it Shine!

Converse vs. Vans

Oh my gosh!
What is up with people and their conflicts about Vans and Converse. Thay are both cool shoes. Converse and Vans are kind of the same type of shoes. They are both cool, awesome, colorful, skater-ish, and more. They alsmost look alike. I sometimes mistake them from each other. I personaly think Converse is better because I don't own any Vans shoes. Other poeple may like Vans better but I'm completely OK with that because I take this conflict stupid.

Not trying to break the subject, but which brand do you like better? I think Converse and I already explained why. I think it's a tie between them both.

So I think that people should stop fighting about this Converse vs. Vans conflict. Even if you haven't heard about it, I hope you don't make a big deal out of it. So, good-bye for now. Remeber: Make it Shine!


Some people may think what means when you 'Make it shine'
I think it means to make your style shine like the sun!
Make everyone notice who you really are. That's the point of this blog. I made so I could 'make my style shine' like the sun. I love fashion, and I'm sure you would,too. Fashion is my life. Some people are way diffeent. To them, something else might be their life. To me, fashion is. Without fashion, I don't know what I would do. It helps me be someone. Somehow...

I got the inspiration of doing a fashion blog from my friend's blog. The name is 7ths. Her blog is awesome! Go check it out sometime. Once I looked at her blog and read all of her arcticles, I thought of doing this one myself. This is were I express my feelings for fashion.

If anyone has any questions about fashion, you can ask me about it because, to me, I am a fashion geek. In a good way, I think I would've dominated the world of fashion.

This is the end of the introduction because I have nothing else to say. So remember my phrase:

Make it shine like the sun!