Friday, May 21, 2010


Some people may think what means when you 'Make it shine'
I think it means to make your style shine like the sun!
Make everyone notice who you really are. That's the point of this blog. I made so I could 'make my style shine' like the sun. I love fashion, and I'm sure you would,too. Fashion is my life. Some people are way diffeent. To them, something else might be their life. To me, fashion is. Without fashion, I don't know what I would do. It helps me be someone. Somehow...

I got the inspiration of doing a fashion blog from my friend's blog. The name is 7ths. Her blog is awesome! Go check it out sometime. Once I looked at her blog and read all of her arcticles, I thought of doing this one myself. This is were I express my feelings for fashion.

If anyone has any questions about fashion, you can ask me about it because, to me, I am a fashion geek. In a good way, I think I would've dominated the world of fashion.

This is the end of the introduction because I have nothing else to say. So remember my phrase:

Make it shine like the sun!

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